How My Debt Journey is Coming

Recently, I told you that I would be working on becoming debt free this year. Well, based on the events of January I will say that everything I put towards debt is now back at square one. I am hoping in February I do not have any unexpected surprises and I can keep all of my income sources increasing to continue with my goal.

Based on January’s report three of my income sources that are consistent each month dropped while five of them increased. Now that I am aware of the drops, I need to push those three sources back up and continue on an upward path with the others. Obviously, there will be random income sources that come occasionally and they are always welcome.

Well, that is quick update. I will be back with a new update the beginning of March, unless something drastic comes along, such as me hitting the lottery or something.

January 2015 Income Report

The first of the year is not starting as strong as I like but in the middle of January, things did start picking back up, work wise, to more my speed. In fact, at one point things were so busy I was afraid that I was going to be late delivering some orders. However, it is a good thing that I kept pushing forward because January was a very trying month for me on a personal level. Unexpected expenses kept popping up left and right. The month ended with my puppy being hit by a car too. He is still alive but if you own an animal, you know how expensive the vet bills can be. Anyways, I am feeling confident about February and here is my income for January.

NOTE: This is off by a little, as two of the direct sales companies that I work with do not allow me to disclose my income.

Private Clients – 2274

Giveaways 4 Mom – 843

Escalate Media – 68

Amazon – 4

Blogher – 150

She Speaks – 100

Moms Affiliate – 100

Fiverr– 1006

Abundant Faith – 21

Sass n Frass – 23

Izea – 229

ODesk – 68

Cooperatize – 75

Business Expenses – (-1040)

How did the month of January treat you? Feel free to share in the comments section below. I wish everyone the best of luck in February.

Reevaluating Business Goals for 2015

How I feel starting the year off.
How I feel starting the year off.

I know that last year I did not really do much with this blog yet in 2015; I plan to start being more active again. Today, I am taking some time to sit back and actually reflect on my business goals for 2015.

While I did do okay in 2014, I know that I have the potential to do more. I run a writing business, I blog full time over at Giveaways 4 Mom, I work with five direct sales companies, and I do affiliate marketing.

Reflecting on 2014

Now is the time to stop everything and reflect.
Now is the time to stop everything and reflect.

During 2014, I focused on my writing business, Giveaways 4 Mom, affiliate marketing, and social media promotions. Towards the end of the year, I started focusing more on Giveaways 4 Mom, social media promotions, and direct sales.

I love to write, I really do, which is why I am also a blogger. However, running a writing business comes with many difficulties. Right now, I am thinking I that I need to focus more on blogging, direct sales, and affiliate marketing versus the writing business.

Background on My Decision

Many of you started following my writing business back in 2011. It was a life savior for me because of my current situation. Over the years, I have kept a steady flow of income by writing and things have been overall good, except when they are not. I do not want to be one of those people who has finally, for the most part, established themselves online and then just disappears back into the brick and mortar world. However, at the same time I do not want to work online and feel like I am working harder than I would at a brick and mortar job either.

Goal Setting for 2015


For 2015, I am focusing on the following things to try to make writing and blogging more fun for me again.

  1. Update Giveaways 4 Mom a few times a week and not stress myself out when I cannot post every day.
  2. Focus on accepting jobs on topics that I enjoy writing about such as online income, parenting, and social media.
  3. Learn more about affiliate marketing so my endeavors there can become stronger.
  4. Update this blog at least once or twice a week.
  5. Interact with other bloggers in my niche.
  6. Continue with direct sales and get more serious about marketing my companies.
  7. Set a work schedule that does not include me working 80+ hours a week.

I know as the year goes on I will probably amend or add to these goals. However, for now, this is what I am going to start with. I had to make a choice to take some time, actually reflect, and write out what I am going to change because for me 2015 is off to a horrible start. Keep in mind; I am also working on my debt free journey this year. So, as I pay off my student loans I will be updating about that too.

How are things starting for you in 2015? What are goals and what are you doing to achieve them?

2014 Income Report Recap

Well, we are now in a new year. Therefore, it is time to see how I did compared to 2013. My goal was to make $10,000 per month this year, as in 2013, but I did not reach it this year either. I have reevaluated my goals again, so I am looking forward to what 2015 holds in store for me. I will be continuing my online income journey and this year I will be starting my debt free journey to pay off student loans. Wish me luck!

January 14 (Income – 7886) (Business Expenses – 3288)

February 14 (Income – 4561) (Business Expenses -2430)

March 14 (Income – 5907) (Business Expenses – 2530)

April (Income – 3642) (Business Expenses – 1331)

May (Income – 3744) (Business Expenses- 1952)

June (Income -5282) (Business Expenses – 1000)

July (Income – 5037) (Business Expenses – 1524)

August (Income – 5719) (Business Expenses – 1494)

September (Income-4721) (Business Expenses-2187)

October (Income -6190) (Business Expenses -2027)

November (Income – 5904) (Business Expenses – 895)

December (Income-4310) (Business Expenses-1474)

Overall, I am happy with my income and I hope to start 2015 off to a great start. How did you do in 2014?

December 2014 Income Report

Happy New Year Everyone!

I hope that December treated you well in your online endeavors. Unfortunately, it was not so nice to me. In fact, December was my slowest month of the year. This came as a surprise since last year it was quite busy around the holidays. However, I expect things will pick back up for all of my businesses around the middle of January. Well, I am going to get right to it and reveal how I faired in December below.

Private Clients – 2195

Fiverr – 1025

Escalate Media – 73

Izea – 100

Giveaways 4 Mom – 367

Blog Her – 50

Sass n Frass – 159

Guest Crew- 25

Swag Bucks – 25

Sverve – 273

Odesk – 18

Business Expenses – (-1474)

How did December treat you? Feel free to share in the comments section below.